We've Got the "Write" Stuff!

Well, today was the day....the multiple choice writing test.  The kids came in this morning in a good mood and things seem to have gone well.  We had some awesome support from a couple of our other grade levels and the kids have a lot of loot! 
Writing Test Loot

Here are a couple of close ups:
600 is the highest you can score!  :)
Seen in earlier post, but this time with the goods (the candy).

3rd grade sang a song "You Can Do It" and gave us these hands and pencils!

A little treat for the teacher!  :)  Thanks to the 1st grade team!  We need some love too!

It's always nice to feel supported!  Sometimes I think I stress out more than my kids do!  :)  Here are some other fun things we did today to get them excited:

My teacher intern painted her finger nails like pencils.  So cute! 

A couple of my kids remembered their GOOD LUCK CHUCKS!!!


SO, if these kids didn't pass the multiple choice part of the test today, it wasn't for a lack of trying!  :)

In a previous post I mentioned how the kids keep their motivational pictures for years?  First thing this morning one of my kids walks in with his old ziploc bag from testing last year (I looped up this year with these kids).  The bag still had the pencil and everything.  The only thing missing...the edible treats!  :)  

Just one more thing....

As I organized my pictures over the weekend, I came across one we made a couple of years ago for a friend who was teaching fifth grade at the time.

This is one of my all time faves!

Test on.
#making testing fun


  1. Great pictures, that's one hot fingernail ;)

    1. Of course it is! You should be a hand model! Forget teaching...but finish out your time with me first! lol j/k

  2. Had to comment on those nails! So clever!

    And I'm sorry you have to take a writing test, too. Sucks the joy out of life for a few days. (at least).
    Hope the kids did great!
    Buzzing with Ms. B

  3. what exactly does the painted fingernail stand for? Is it some kind of strategy?

