Show Me....Your Websites!!!

...on Tuesday!  I'm linking up with 3-6 Free Resources and sharing some of my favorite websites! 

Recently, thanks to quite a few teacher blogs, my favorite site is good ol' YouTube. My kids LOVE to "whip their hair back and forth".  I love having something they enjoy doing when there isn't enough time to get outside or the weather leaves something to be desired.  I just pop this video up and we have a dance off.  Your kids don't seem to have a lot of energy when it comes to exercise?  Try this!  There are lots of different videos on there your students can use. Guaranteed...they'll love it!

My class version!  :)
One that same note, I love Teacher Tube!  When working in math centers/stations my fall backs are Triple A Math and IXL

Here are some of the other sites I've previously posted about:  Festisite, Brainpop, Study Jams, Blabberize, Class Dojo and World Math's Day.  I also have a teacher resource websites list on my blog. Check them all out!

What are some of your favorite websites to use in your classroom?  Link up and let us all know!  :)


  1. I'm in LOVE with all of these sites!!

    I'm your newest follower at Miss Stallings' Safari and I even posted about your blog today!!

    Check it out :)

  2. I love teacherube is also good. I have a buge list of sites I use, a lot are English based but some are good for any teachers:

  3. Great blog.I’m your newest follower. Please check out my blog if you get a chance Calling Plays in 2nd Grade.
    Thanks, Shanell

  4. Your kids' video is so cute! I'm also a new follower. I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Check it out and enter to win my giveaway!
