20 DAYS UNTIL THE SCIENCE SOL TEST....AHHHHHH! This is my first year in 5th grade and science has definitely been my weakness. I was so worried about teaching writing for the first time (not really the first time, this is just the first time my kids have been tested in writing) that I have neglected science like a champ....and now....it's only 20 days until the science test. Uh oh. Virginia tests fourth grade and fifth grade science in fifth grade only. This means I have 20 days to review 14 units of science. Awesome! So, in order to get my friends ready for the test I'm doing some MAJOR
bribing motivating! Pinterest inspired: I have hung 20 balloons from the ceiling, with little activities/rewards inside. At the end of the day, if they have had good behavior and have given me their 120%, I choose someone to pop the balloon. The next day they get to complete the activity listed in the balloon. Sometimes the activity is just for that person, sometimes it's for the entire class.
Click here for the download of the activities that I have found various places online. I've been waiting all winter to do this, ever since I found it on Pinterest. I know the kids love the balloons, I just hope they love the activities too! I really, really need them to give me their best the next couple of weeks!
Other countdown ideas: winter break, spring break, end of school, field day, assemblies, a competition, etc. I was also thinking that those of you that are parents could do this for your kid's bdays, with different activities inside. Make sure to label the balloons with the corresponding day so that you know what is coming up. I feel like I'm going to have to be mentally prepared for some of the activities I put in there! LOL One more thing...when you tie the string to the balloon, tie a
paper clip to the other end so you can just lift the tiles and lay the paperclip on the metal part (clearly my drop ceiling vocab is lacking). Oh, and one more thing, if you aren't allowed to hang things from your ceiling you could put these same ideas or activities in 20 different envelopes and let a child open the envelope each day. You could even make a bulletin board out of it! :)
Pop on.
As I read your post, I was thinking..."Man, what a great idea but I can't hang things from the ceiling!!" And then...the envelope idea!! I'm so glad you shared it! Consider this idea stolen! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteOh...and I LOVE your new blog look!!
Confessions of a Fourth Grade Teacher
What a great idea! Thank you for the suggestion. Off to buy balloons :)
Fun in Room 4B
Good luck from a fellow 5th grade science teacher! If you need science test prep ideas, check out my site.
ReplyDeleteThe Science Penguin
This is super cute! I hope I have time to try this with my students. I feel your pain about testing. I am a 5th and 6th grade math and science teacher. My 5th grade is taking the state science test in 6 school days!!!! Then the following week both my 5th and 6th grade will take the math state test. Thanks for the cute idea!
I taught 5th grade for 5 years. I now teach 6th grade but the ideas are good for both grade levels. What fun.
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOODNESS! Thank You! This is my first year teaching and wanted to do something special for my 5th graders. I remember popping balloons in college to count down our exams and wanted to incorporate fun daily things inside each balloon. I thought I might as well check google to see what ideas other teachers had and this is exactly want I wanted. Thanks you for saving this first year teacher a lot of work!