TGIF--Friday Funk Game

At the end of the day on Friday I'm either feeling two ways:  1.  I've had a fantastic day and it was a great way to start the weekend  2.  GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!  Those days when you are feeling the like #2 (pun originally not intended, but hahaha) this is a great game for you!  First of all, most importantly, make sure you have something academic and productive for them to be doing during this time.

Here are two versions:
 Version #1
1.  Give your children something (candy, pencil, sticker, pretzels, homework pass).
2. They cannot talk until they are on the bus.
3. If you catch them talking you will take away their item.  If not, they get to take their item home with them to keep. 

Version #2--this one can be a little sketchy depending on your children.  Use your best judgement.
1. Give your children something (candy, pencil, sticker, pretzels, homework pass).
2.  They cannot talk until they are on the bus.
3.  If you catch them talking you or whomever caught them talking--could be friends in the class--will take away and keep their item. If not, they get to take the item home with them to keep.

You'd be amazed how much they love being productive and quiet!  You'll also be amazed how quickly your mood will turn around if you were originally in a #2 mood!   You also have to tell them that they are allowed to talk to you or you will have them playing charades with you, and that can sometimes be more annoying than them talking if they're not good at it!  lol  Try it next Friday.  I promise, you'll love it.  Or try it any time you need them to be quiet...just remember to make sure they have something to do!

P.S.  You have to gauge how long you can successfully keep your class quiet.  The object of the game is for everyone to take something home.  I don't recommend keeping them quiet for too long...I usually have them start at the beginning of DEAR (they should be silent during this time anyway) and go until they get on the bus --about 25 minutes.  If you have that kid that just can't stay quiet, let them be your assisstant during this time. 

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